Support + Recovery

After struggling for too long, we may come to doubt God’s power to give us victory or even our own sincerity in asking for it. Don’t suffer alone—there is hope! 


Let's face it. You've been trying harder and it hasn't worked. What starts out as a moral problem, quickly becomes a brain problem. Often, men who’ve tried to quit have failed because they don’t understand the brain. Understanding the brain is so important in this battle. Men in sexual bondage go through a cycle of triggering, ritual and acting out. Join now and discover how to renew your mind and break destructive patterns.

Note: You’ll start with this program before transitioning into 7 Pillars of Freedom. Explore more at |

Contact Kelly Krueger at 402.560.2271 or Joe van den Hoven at 402.470.7831


Struggling with porn or sex addiction in the church culture is a shame-filled place to be. Shame leads to isolation and isolation pushes us further into our addictions. We have a safe place for you to be honest about your struggle and we give you a roadmap to finding freedom from your struggle.
Freedom is possible!

Note: This program takes the principles learned in the Conquer Series and dives deeper into understanding yourself. Explore more at |
Contact Joshua Bennett at 503.830.7810

Alcoholics Anonymous

Tuesday nights at 7 o’clock in Pioneer Hall level 1.

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international mutual aid fellowship with the stated purpose of enabling its members to "stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety." AA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, and apolitical. Its only membership requirement is a desire to stop drinking.